Headache medicine can indeed be a solution to relieve pain and disrupt the head. Pain relievers, including over-the-counter medicines, are often the choice for treating headaches. However, the consumption of these drugs must still be done carefully. In addition to using headache medication, living a healthier lifestyle and avoiding triggering factors, can prevent headaches from recurring. The thing to remember, headache medicine for each person is different depending on the type and cause. So it is necessary to consult a doctor for administering the right medicine. Taking the Right Medication for Headaches Headache medication consumption can be done based on the type of headache suffered. Tension headache This is the most common headache. People who experience tension headaches usually feel pain in the head, back of the eyes, forehead and neck. To overcome this type of headache, pain relievers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, and aspirin can be a solution. In particular, aspiri...
Colic in infants often causes babies to cry for hours at a certain time each day. This condition is actually a natural thing to happen to newborns. However, there are some colic symptoms that need to be watched out for. Colic in infants is a situation when babies who are in good health often cry excessively. The situation that occurs in some babies is rarely considered a health disorder and is often undiagnosed. Generally colic occurs in the first few weeks after the baby is born and will stop after the baby is 4 months old. Usually the baby cries in the evening and is difficult to relieve up to several hours. Common Symptoms and Colic Conditions to Look Out for Babies who experience colic usually cry more than 3 hours a day for at least 3 days a week. This condition can last for 3 weeks or more. The thing to remember is that this condition is actually normal and does not have a bad impact in the long run. The characteristics of babies who experience colic are when crying both h...